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Our Mission: Horton High School provides learners with opportunities to gain proficiency in the Essential Graduation Learnings of Aesthetic Expression, Citizenship, Communication, Personal Development, Problem Solving, and Technological Competence. To achieve a well-rounded education, the educational partners encourage flexibility, understanding, and involvement in meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. Horton High School sits on a 42-acre hillside site overlooking the Minas Basin and the farms and orchards of Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. The 1000-student facility features leading-edge technology and has been called the “finest secondary school in the province and country.” It was built in 1998, using public-private sector partnering and the involvement of the community to create a state-of-the-art facility. Teachers, staff, students and the community helped develop visions for the school’s design, and technological literacy and the integration of the curriculum with technology became a priority. Learning and instruction are enhanced by the excellence of the students, the teachers and all support staff and resources available. Horton High School provides academic advantages to its students with modern instructional areas, art studios, technology and science laboratories, numerous computer studios and a computer-to-student ratio of 1:1.9. Home of the Horton Griffins, the campus features a double-sized gymnasium, three athletic fields, an outdoor recreational area and a modern fitness centre. The performing arts are served with a 500-seat, fully equipped theatre, and music, dance and drama facilities, as well as an outdoor amphitheatre. Students have a modern mall-style cafeteria with sound, digital and visual capabilities, an art gallery, student organization offices, and numerous support facilities for counseling, career research, mediation, tutoring etc. There is even a daycare facility on the premises. Always proud of its long tradition of producing outstanding students— academically, artistically, athletically—Horton continues to excel with some of the finest facilities anywhere.