Information |
New Minas Elementary is a Primary to Grade Five School with a population of 317 children. Our goal is for students, parents/guardians and staff members to experience our school as a warm and caring place. We work together to create a positive atmosphere where mutual support and respect abounds. We believe that unless children feel good about themselves, they cannot achieve to the best of their ability. We strive to help children develop a healthy self image by emphasizing the positive and developing a peaceful environment where everyone’s differences are recognized and celebrated. Our school believes in preparing children for the future by establishing meaningful partnerships with parents and the larger community. We also believe that these partnerships are crucial in order to provide quality opportunities for our children to fully develop their intellectual, social/emotional, and physical needs. To that end, we like to foster a sense of belonging in our students. We invite them to take pride in keeping our premises clean, healthy and environmentally friendly. By encouraging students to respect one another and their belongings, we teach them to become responsible citizens. We also strongly believe in the concept of a total school community and encourage open dialogue with all partners in the on-going process of educating and nurturing our students.